Encuentro Erasmus+ en Grecia
En marzo, ocho de nuestros alumnos y alumnas del IES Sierra Blanca, han tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar, una vez más, del proyecto Erasmus+. En esta ocasión, hemos viajado a Grecia, cuna de nuestra democracia y país de innumerables atractivos culturales.
Junto a los demás países con los que compartimos esta experiencia (Francia, Alemania, Austria y, por supuesto, Grecia), pudimos disfrutar de visitas a museos, templos y las civilizaciones más antiguas de Europa. Asimismo, los alumnos y alumnas llevaron a cabo un proyecto en el que tuvieron que diseñar una maqueta conjunta de su ciudad europea ideal para el año 2020.
Lo que sigue son los FotoDiarios que nuestros propios alumnos y alumnas han realizado, ¡Qué mejor muestra de lo que supone Erasmus+ para el desarrollo de nuestra comunidad educativa que sus propias fotos y descripciones de la experiencia!
1st day (Sunday)
We were in Greece at 4:30 More or less. We go with our families to their houses and then My family went with me to have dinner in a restaurant where we ate two “souvlaki”. In my opinion it is too good. :3
2nd day (Monday)
I waked up at 6 am buy mistake. We stay in the high school all the morning where we present our project. When we finish to present it we start making a building for another project by all the countries.
3rd day (Tuesday)
Today we went to Poseidon’s temple. Is one of the biggest things I had saw in my live!!! Sadly it is destroyed at the most part of it. When we went to the city we had some time, coufh coufh two hours coufh, so we went to buy something.
4th day (Wednesday)
Today we went to a cultural center where we visit a park where we can make music with our body. Then we go to the maritime walk where I and my friends have an hail.
5th day (Thursday)
Today we went to the mountains in another city. But we went to visit ruins! A mountain at all was the ruins, but it’s destroyed at the most part. When we go to the city we saw an armored ship.
6th day (Friday)
Today we went to the acropolis on the center of the city where we went first to a museum. Where we can’t catch any photo! But next we went to the real acropolis so I can take this.
7th day (Saturday)
Is time to go, maybe I’ll miss this but in summer I’ll meet my friend Agelos. This is my last photo and it is with him.