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My Erasmus+ Diary by Mónica Anillo


We were a group of five children going to Stirling (Scotland). We went from 22nd to 28th September. It was an entertaining and fun week. We have learned different things about culture, religion, food, habits, typical things of the countries involved in the project. Families, children and teachers have treated us very kindly. Families have made us feel at home.

Activities carried out during the week:

During school hours we visited the center of Stirling, Glasgow and Edingburg. We also did several activities within the school. We also visited William Wallace Castle and the Town Hall and met the mayor of Stirling. In the afternoon they showed us show they spent their free time there for example at the bowling alley, at home playing Mario Cars or watching movies. Usually, you are with your friends but not in the street.

Positive aspects:

Well, the good part of the Project is that we have met many people, more about culture and we already know a little more about how people live outside Spain. As for families they have been very polite and have behaved very well with us. They have also enjoyed and we have tried to teach typical things of Spain also because they were very surprised by our level of English and they wanted to learn Spanish.

Negative aspects:

Well, I don´t have many negative aspects because it has been a greet week. The only thing is the time of the meals, I tried to adapt a little. Also, they go to bed and get up relatively early.

Interesting things:

One of the things that caught my attention the most is that they drive on the left side of the road, and I think it is the only thing that I didn´t get used to. Moreover, there wasn´t so much life on the streets and there were many more forests than in Spain.

Personal opinión:

In my opinion, this has been an unforgettable experecience and if I ever have the chance to make another Exchange I will do it because I learn a lot of things.


On the first day, we went to Macdonald’s to have an ice cream after dinner and then some children came to insult us and as we did not understand them we went away from them and when leaving the Scots told them not to say anything again and that they did not smoke (because they were smoking) and then they started to follow us and we spent about 10 minutes running through all stirling without knowing where we were going (because they wanted to hit us) until we found the mother of a child who came with us and we could stop. It was a little scary but now it's an anecdote.



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