My Erasmus+ Diary by Nerea Vega
The Erasmus+ project, in my opinion, has been an incredible and unforgettable experience.
On September 22, my colleagues and I got up early to catch the plane and go to Stirling(Scotland).
I was really looking forward to being there and to tell the truth I was a little nervous and very excited.
We took this picture at the airport when we were saying goodbye to parents:

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When we arrived in Scotland airport , we had to wait for a taxi to take us to Stirling.
When the man in the cab started driving, we were very amazed to see that they were driving on the left side there.
When we got to where the family was waiting for us, all my friends left with their host family and I obviously with my family and my Scottish host (Abbey).
As soon as we got there we were talking and we introduced ourselves. Both Abbey's parents and she were very nice and friendly...
Only at first I had a little problem and it's that their parents spoke very quickly and I couldn't understand them, but I asked them to talk to me slower and I understood them perfectly.
That same night all the Spanish and Scottish children met at McDonald's and my Spanish friends and I got scared because there were some teenage trouble makers ("yonkis" they called them) and we had to run through the streets of Stirling because they were chasing after. I surprised with this a lot, because they said that it was normal.
The next few days we visited a lot of monuments and they were super pretty and amazing.
I also met amazing people I keep talking to and I hope to keep talking and in the future I hope to be able to meet them in Spain or back in Scotland, this would be incredible.
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[endif][if gte vml 1]></o:wrapblock><![endif] We visited the Wallace Tower, castles, and the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling.
Here I attach several photos:
We were also very surprised by all the facilities that Wallace High School had.
It was amazing, there was a swimming pool, basketball courts, volleyball, rugby, a classroom full of instruments, a huge assembly hall, gym, ballroom and many more facilities.
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[endif][if gte vml 1]></o:wrapblock><![endif] These are most of my Scottish friends:

In short, it has been an experience that we will never forget and that let me meet amazing people.
It's only been a month since we left and I want to go back and wake up every day with all my friends from other countries.